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know better, grow better

Helping moms, dads & parenting partners flourish

Know Your Story

Every parent has a story. We each bring our complex, collective, covert multi-generational stories to our present family, filled with nostalgic days, old wounds, ways of feeling, thinking, responding and loving. Let's understand the power of story to guide your parenting journey, and learn how to re-write and re-wire a new chapter and make room for your children to write their own stories. 

Be a Conflict Resolutionary

Parent partners are the backbone of family. When we're on the same page, we not only feel more productive, efficient and connected, but we feel safe and create a "safe house for love," as Carol Gilligan put it. When we are not partnered parents, family suffers. Let's strengthen the scaffolding of partnerships and marriage. Unlock your partnership power.




When you change the way you see, you change the way you feel, think, parent, relate, love and live. Learn about the importance of mindsets, patterns of thinking, and our emotional lens. Let's explore the power of reframing, cultivating "real-time resilience," and harness the keys to positive change that lasts.  

Image by Sarah Medina

Raising Mindful Families

What if practicing mindfulness could change everything? It can. Raising Mindful Families is an ongoing initiative developed by Lu Hanessian that helps families shift from chaos, disconnection, anxiety and distraction to a more aware, conscious, connected--mindful--way of being together and separate as vital members of a family. Learn about the power of mindfulness to turn chaos to calm; focus attention; quiet the mind; bring a family closer; promote vitality and play; boost resilience and health. 

Trust Your Gut 

 Resilient Family

Parenting without intuition is like flying without radar. Living in an age of distraction, of 24/7 connectivity, chronic stress and 

disconnection, intuition is often one of the first of our inner capacities to be dulled. Learn about how important our inner voice and intuition is in our parenting journey and how developing our intuition actually helps to develop our child's "gut sense" too. Intuition is part of the safety-and-trust circuitry of our brain, mind, sensory and nervous systems. With intuition intact, we reduce stress, doubt and anxiety.

Foresight is 20/20. How do we grow resilient children when we don't feel resilient? How do we heal trauma and face adversity with confidence, trust and positivity, so we can parent with presence and groundedness, regardless of the inevitable stressful ups and downs of life? The science behind this is compelling: when we "keep the light on," building our resilience, our grit, boosting our positivity, curiosity and sense of wonder, we cultivate a flourishing life. Our kids thrive. 

Helping Children & Adolescents Flourish

Image by Chayene Rafaela

Honoring Unique Bonds

Healthy Attachment

Healthy Attachment

Image by Sai De Silva

Deeper Connection

Image by Alexander Schimmeck

Understanding Emotions

Mending Breaks

Cultivating the Authentic Self

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This extraordinarily challenging, prolonged period of anxiety, exhaustion and unrelenting stress for parents and children, families, and extended families has depleted our energy reserves - our patience, our tolerance for ambiguity, our capacity for seeing the big picture and finding delight in the micro-moments, our sense of confidence and courage, and even our felt sense of joy and belonging.


How do we navigate these complex conditions as parents, as family? How do we support our young children and teens to feel safe, confident, and hopeful in a world that feels overwhelmingly dangerous, fractured, isolating? How do we raise our children to feel centered in the storm, to have emotional agility in chaos, to know who they are when the ground beneath them is constantly shifting?


These questions are roadmaps. With trauma-sensitive and compassionate leadership, I'm here to help you define and fulfill your family's needs, address conflict and pain, forge a path to resolution whether the problem is  or a long-term issue, and help you navigate uncertainty and fear, mind the gaps, mend disconnection, and cultivate relational resilience for life. 


Let's talk. Our initial call will be a free consultation to get to know who you and your family are and what you are looking to create. We can discuss ideas for how best to map a way forward to support your and your family in exactly the way you need.

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Create your parent-digm shift. TM

All site content, course curricula, and WYSH photographs are copyrighted material. Copyright 2009 Lu Hanessian. All rights reserved. Photos by Lisa Trakis for WYSH, LLC. No part of this site may be reproduced without prior written permission from Lu Hanessian. 

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