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Insights & Inspiration

Image by Kelly Sikkema


"Heartaches to Bellyaches…"


"Fear is a compass. Feelings are energetic snapshots in time. The body takes inventory. We can take notice — and take heart. As we all continue to navigate these uncharted and difficult times, we are teaching our children that we and they can feel safety in relationship, even in the face of fear, and trust in the way forward."


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Image by Nik Shuliahin

"Do You Use Anger as Armor? "

"When you get angry… how would you describe your reaction?

Slow-boil or Mt. Vesuvius? Does it come on like a tsunami or a lightning bolt? Linger for days or quickly dissipate?

Do you stuff it or spew it? Stonewall? High decibel or silence? In anger, do you say things you can’t take back? Or camouflage, slip into hyperdrive, pretend everything’s fine?

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"Walking the tightrope of our lives…"


"Our bodies are amazing vessels of responsiveness and adaptation. When we are in stress, cortisol and adrenaline are released, and processes begin internally that prepare us to flee by sending blood to our muscles to run. When we are in love, oxytocin is released–the love and connection hormone–and we feel safe, happy and close. When we are relaxed and content, our bodies release serotonin, the peace chemical. When we try something new and enjoy it, our bodies release the reward chemical dopamine, and we feel excited and good in the moment.


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Image by Austin Wade

"Seen, Soothed, Secure, Safe = Self-regulation"


"Self-regulation is a core strength. When we say we don’t have it or struggle with it, we are essentially saying we cannot access one of our most important core strengths. 

Self-regulation is not a gift or talent, not the domain of special or enlightened people.
From the moment we come into the world, we are learning to self-regulate through noticing and heeding our body’s signals and needs. As babies, we don’t have words, but we have wisdom. We cry out when our body signals hunger, thirst, fatigue, fear, need for touch, comfort, connection. Attachment is a motivational drive. In every one of us."



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We're living in the Age of Distraction. We're also loving in the age of distraction. We may not always notice our disconnection, but our children can always sense when we're here but not there. Often, they have gracious and forgiving ways of letting us know. When we can receive their message and their bid for reconnection, we find our way back to each other. We return to tender. In those moments, we restore our relationship, our balance, and our capacity to enjoy the ride and truly be present.


-- Lu Hanessian


Create your parent-digm shift. TM

All site content, course curricula, and WYSH photographs are copyrighted material. Copyright 2009 Lu Hanessian. All rights reserved. Photos by Lisa Trakis for WYSH, LLC. No part of this site may be reproduced without prior written permission from Lu Hanessian. 

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